Auyán-tepui (devils Mountain)



One of the most famous and well-known tepuis in Venezuela is Auyán-tepui, which is in the Gran Sabana region’s Canaima National Park. The name “Auyán-tepui” means “Devil’s Mountain” in the native Pemon language, which shows how amazing and mysterious this formation is.

Image source: BIT1982, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Features of the Land and Rocks

In terms of height and area, Auyán-tepui is one of the biggest tepuis in the area. It is about 2,535 meters (8,350 feet) high and covers about 700 square kilometers (270 square miles).

Formation of Rock: The tepui is part of the Guiana Shield, which is one of the oldest rock structures on Earth and dates back to the Precambrian period. Its flat top and steep, vertical cliffs are typical of these old sandstone mesas that were made by erosion over millions of years.

Meaning in Nature

  1. Angel Falls: Auyán-tepui is famous all over the world as the place where Angel Falls (Salto Ángel) is located. It is the highest falls that flow continuously. The Angel Falls drop from a height of 979 meters (3,212 feet) to a depth of 807 meters (2,648 feet). The waterfall was named for Jimmy Angel, an American pilot who first wrote about it in 1933.
  2. Biodiversity: The tepui and the places around it have unique ecosystems and a wide range of plants and animals, many of which are only found in this area. These plateau peaks are very far away from other places on Earth, which has caused species to evolve that can only be found there.

Significance in Culture and History

  1. Indigenous Heritage: The Auyán-tepui and other tepuis have been sacred to the Pemon people, who live in the Gran Sabana region, for a long time. In their stories and myths, these tall mesas are often seen as holy places.
  2. Exploration and Discovery: The tepui became famous around the world after scientists and travelers searched for it. Many people learned about Auyán-tepui and its amazing waterfall after Jimmy Angel’s dramatic landing and later discovery of the falls.

Tourism and Easy Access

  1. Remote and Difficult Access: Auyán-tepui is hard to get to because it is in a remote area and the ground is rough. Most people who come to the area do so by small plane or by starting difficult multi-day treks through thick jungle and river systems.
  2. Ecotourism and Conservation: Auyán-tepui is part of Canaima National Park, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Conservation and tourism are tried to coexist in a way that protects the tepui’s unique ecosystems and scenery while still letting tourists enjoy its natural beauty.

Auyán-tepui is a symbol of the natural beauty and geological history of the Guiana Shield. Its magnificence and the beautiful Angel Falls that fall from its heights have captivated explorers, scientists, and travelers alike.

Reaching Angel Water Falls

No doubt! Getting to Angel Falls is an adventure that takes a lot of steps and different ways to get there. Follow this step-by-step guide to get to Angel Falls:

  1. Go to Venezuela

If you’re coming from outside of Venezuela, you can fly to Simón Bolívar International Airport (CCS), which is in Maiquetía and is close to Caracas. Tip: Before you leave, make sure your passport, visa (if needed), and other travel papers are in order.

  1. Domestic Flight to Canaima

To get to Ciudad Bolívar or Puerto Ordaz by air, you can use local companies like Conviasa, Rutaca, or Avior. Book a plane within Venezuela and go to either Ciudad Bolívar (CBL) or Puerto Ordaz (PZO).

From Ciudad Bolívar or Puerto Ordaz, book a charter flight to Canaima. Tour companies or local airlines can help you make this happen. The flight to Canaima Camp takes about an hour from either Ciudad Bolívar or Puerto Ordaz.

  1. Plan a Tour

Book with tour companies you can trust, like Canaima Tours, Angel-Eco Tours, or Osprey Expeditions. Most tours include flights, transportation, lodging, meals, guides, and any necessary permits.

  1. Get to Angel Falls from Canaima

When you get to Canaima Camp, you’ll meet your guide and check in. You will be briefed about the trip to Angel Falls.

Most trips to Angel Falls begin at the Ucaima Port in Canaima. Get in a motorized boat and go up the Carrao River. The boat ride lasts between 4 and 5 hours, depending on river conditions. Enjoy views of tepuis, lush jungle, and small rivers along the way.

Navigate up the Churún River to get to Angel Falls. During dry times, some parts of the river might be too shallow for the boat, requiring walking and portaging. Most tours include an overnight stay at a campsite near Angel Falls, typically in hammocks or tents provided by the tour company. Dinner is usually served at the campsite.

  1. Take a Hike to the Falls

Leave the campsite early in the morning to begin the hike. The walk to the lookout point takes 1-2 hours through dense rainforest, with uneven and sometimes steep sections. Reach Laime’s Viewpoint for a clear view of Angel Falls. Take your time to enjoy the falls, take pictures, and maybe swim in the pool at the base.

  1. The Trip Back

After visiting the falls, take a boat back to Canaima Camp. This usually happens on the same day, but some tours may include an additional night at the campsite. Take a return flight from Canaima to either Ciudad Bolívar or Puerto Ordaz, then connect to your flight back to Caracas.

7. Different Choices

From Canaima, you can book a helicopter tour for an aerial view of Angel Falls. The helicopter tour usually lasts between 1-2 hours and costs more but offers a unique perspective and requires less physical effort. Some tours offer scenic flights over Angel Falls, providing a bird’s-eye view of the falls and nearby tepuis.

8. Things You Need to Pack

Clothing: Light, breathable, quick-dry clothes, a rain jacket, hat, and swimwear. Footwear: Sturdy hiking boots or shoes with good grip. Gear: Insect repellent, sunscreen, camera, and waterproof bags for your belongings. Health: Bring any necessary medications and consider vaccinations for yellow fever and malaria.

9. Extra Advice

Guides: Experienced local guides are essential for safety and navigation. Weather: Be prepared for rain and high humidity in a tropical climate. Fitness: Ensure you are in good physical condition for the hike and boat trip.

By carefully following these steps and getting ready, you can have an amazing trip to Angel Falls and see one of the world’s natural wonders.

Nearby attractions to Angel Falls

  1. Canaima Lagoon: This beautiful lagoon is where many trips to Angel Falls begin. It is surrounded by green jungle and dramatic tepuis (table-top mountains). There are beautiful waterfalls in the lake, like Salto Ucaima, Salto Golondrina, Salto Wadaima, and Salto Hacha.
  2. Sapo Falls (Salto El Sapo): This waterfall is different because you can walk behind the wall of water, which is very exciting. It’s only a short boat ride from Canaima Lagoon.
  3. Kavak Cave: Kavak Cave is a beautiful cave system in the western part of the park. You can get there after a short hike and a swim through some narrow tunnels. At the end of the cave, there is a beautiful waterfall.
  4. Mount Roraima: Mount Roraima is one of the most well-known tepuis in the Gran Sabana area. Its flat summit offers stunning views and difficult multi-day hikes. It’s a little farther away from Angel Falls, but adventurers love to go there.
  5. Auyán-Tepui: Auyán-Tepui is the name of the huge rock on top of which Angel Falls falls. The hike to the top is difficult and not very common, but the views of Auyán-Tepui from different parts of the park are truly amazing.
  6. Curun Meru (Dragon Falls): This is another beautiful waterfall in the park. It’s not as big as Angel Falls, but it’s still beautiful, and you can get to it by taking a boat and hiking for a short distance.

You can do many things at these sites, such as hiking, swimming, caving, or just taking in the stunning natural beauty of one of the most amazing places in the world.

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